Proud Watford

Proud Watford presents - Queer Christmas Karaoke
Hosted by Christmas Mistree Michelle Davidson and our good friend and ally Lucy In The Sky.
Thousands of songs, lots of laughter. Pay Bar Open. Raffle Prizes.

Proud Watford's vision is for Watford to be "A Place Without Prejudice".
A town where members of the LGBTQI+ communtiy and the wider Watford community is entirely at ease with itself and each other and where everyone takes active and ongoing steps to create and develop a wholly inclusive local community that recognises the importance of self-expression, ability and disability.
Our mission is to deliver a range of Proud Watford branded primarily artistic events working alongside Watford people, groups, organisations, businesses and other allies, with the aim of promoting LGBTQI+ visibility and equality through accessible and widely appealing performance, outreach, signposting and information.